Explore all Ocean Escape Condos offers through a variety of images in our photo gallery. From spacious accommodations and convenient nearby dining, to access to modern water amenities, you can see what Ocean Escape Condos is all about before your next Myrtle Beach vacation.
Ocean Escape Condosgallery
testimonialswhat our guests say
We stayed here last year! Absolutely loved it! Definitely recommend them! Rooms were beautiful.Christopher R.
Just a great place to stay. I would recommend it highly.Colin M.
The Ocean Escape property is top notch! It’s directly across the street from the beach.DC N.
Stayed there for a girls trip with my mom, sister, and a few friends and we had a blast…the place was beautiful.Nikki G.
Very nice and modern condos, I recommend staying here on vacation.Colin M.
Very nice and clean rooms, that were very spacious, with views of the ocean from our balcony.Shanara H.